International Conference on Jacobian varieties,  Abelian functions,  and Kummer surfaces

                      (held at the room K-21, University of Yamanashi; 2012, 30-31, March.   Organized by Yoshihiro Ônishi)

Speakers and Abstracts


  March 30
    11:00-12:00  England     : "Building Abelian functions with generalised Hirota operators"
    13:30-14:30  Nakayashiki : "The prime form as a derivative of sigma function"
    15:00-16:00  Matsutani   : "Truncated Young diagrams and sigma functions"
    16:30-17:30  Ayano       : "Sigma functions for telescopic curves"
  March 31
     9:30-10:30  Koike       : "Defining equations of Kummer surfaces of degree eight"
    10:50-11:35  Eilbeck     : "Kummer varieties, Coble polynomials, heat equations, and sigma expansions (1)"
    11:45-12:30  Eilbeck     : "Kummer varieties, Coble polynomials, heat equations, and sigma expansions (2)"
    13:30-14:30  Uchida      : "The Tate-Lichtenbaum pairing on a hyperelliptic curve via hyperelliptic nets"